Azrahdii Vizier
Female azrahdii in robes
01 | Rare
By: gvn
Gold Dwarf Berserker
Dwarf in ragged clothes with strange axe
02 | Rare
By: gvn
Lumarii Witch Doctor
Female in colourful dress
03 | Rare
By: gvn
Sea Elf Swashbuckler
Captain of the Sea Dog
04 | Rare
By: gvn
Pirate in shackles
05 | Rare
By: gvn
Guardian Slayer
Slain monster, surrounded
06 | Rare
By: gvn
Treasure Hunter
Group of pirates standing around a treasure haul
07 | Rare
By: gvn
The Sea Dog
A ship on stormy seas
08 | Rare
By: gvn
Brine Rat
Man sized rat
09 | Common
By: gvn
Tribal man in a jungle
10 | Infrequent
By: gvn
Tentacled monster with claws
11 | Uncommon
By: gvn
Firbolg Skeleton
Giant woodland skeleton
12 | Infrequent
By: gvn
Giant Crab
Giant crab
13 | Common
By: gvn
Man fish carrying a spear
14 | Common
By: gvn
Grindylow Shaman
Man fish carrying a staff
15 | Uncommon
By: gvn
Dark figure standing on the shore
16 | Uncommon
By: gvn
Mushroom with tentacles
17 | Uncommon
By: gvn
Turtle man
18 | Infrequent
By: gvn
Sea horse monster with a crocodile maw
19 | Rare
By: gvn
Kelp Troll
Shark troll hybrid
20 | Common
By: gvn
Enormous armoured squid
21 | Rare
By: gvn
Enormous crustacean
22 | Rare
By: gvn
Large blue genie creature
23 | Uncommon
By: gvn
Aquatic creature, lower half is a fish
24 | Infrequent
By: gvn
Pan Lung
Long snake like water dragon with whiskers
25 | Rare
By: gvn
Brigand on the high seas
26 | Common
By: gvn
Pirate Captain
Brigand leader on the high seas
27 | Rare
By: gvn
Pirate Zombie
Undead of the high seas
28 | Infrequent
By: gvn
Sea Serpent
Enormous eel like monster
29 | Infrequent
By: gvn
Sea Wizard
Wizard flying over the water
30 | Uncommon
By: gvn
31 | Infrequent
By: gvn
Woman with tentacles for her lower half
32 | Uncommon
By: gvn
Crustacous man
33 | Common
By: gvn
Bipedal dinosaur with large toothy head
34 | Rare
By: gvn
Winter Linnorm
Dragon like creature amongst an icy field
35 | Rare
By: gvn
36 | Common
By: gvn
Reef under water
37 | Uncommon
By: gvn
Restless Crew
Crew in their quarters
38 | Common
By: gvn
Storm overtaking a ship
39 | Rare
By: gvn
Stormy Waters
Ship in a storm
40 | Infrequent
By: gvn
Deep Waters
Chasms deep in the water
41 | Common
By: gvn
Deserted Island
Tropical island
42 | Infrequent
By: gvn
Pirate Ship
Pirate ship
43 | Uncommon
By: gvn
Pirate Ship, the Reefcrusher
Pirate ship, unique
44 | Rare
By: gvn
Wave tipping a ship over
45 | Rare
By: gvn
Slippery Footing
Sailor falling on a wet deck
46 | Common
By: gvn
Spoiled Cargo
Crates and barrels of rotting food
47 | Infrequent
By: gvn
Man wading through the water towards a ship
48 | Uncommon
By: gvn
Azrahdii Vizier
Creepy robed man
1 | Promo
By: gvn
Gold Dwarf Berserker
Blonde dwarf female with axe
2 | Promo
By: gvn
Lumarii Witch Doctor
Creepy man with long scraggly beard
3 | Promo
By: gvn
Sea Elf Swashbuckler
White haired female elf
4 | Promo
By: gvn
Trophy Hunter
Older man carrying a large pack
5 | Promo
By: gvn
Breath Water
Group of people underwater
6 | Promo
By: gvn
Safe Harbour
Water side village
7 | Promo
By: gvn
Ghost Captain
Undead pirate captain
8 | Promo
By: gvn
Shadow Dragonne
Dragonic panther
9 | Promo
By: gvn
Sea monster that creates whirlpools
10 | Promo
By: gvn
Ghost Ship
Ship with tattered sails and holes in the hull
11 | Promo
By: gvn
Lost Island
Prehistoric land mass with giant lizard
12 | Promo
By: gvn