Fighters rely on their witts, physical speed and strength to thwart their foes. They rely solely on themselves, training to improve their bodies and minds.
Warriors rely heavily on strength and heavy armour, they are the backbone of most armies. Although they are known for their brute strength in combat and stalwart capabilities, they are not pinioned to these traits alone. Some warriors carry bows or wear light armour for better speed. Their symbol is the morning star.
Berserkers rely heavily on brute force and ignore their own defenses, they are the hammer of some armies to the warriors anvil. They are said to be possessed by spirits of rage that give them their strength, speed and heedlessness. Their symbol is the axe.
Weapon Specialists rely on their skill with a particular weapon, even if that weapon is their own fists. They do not focus on defenses, unless those defenses involve their weapon of choice. Their symbol is the crossed swords.
Where Warriors rely heavily on strength and armour, a mercenary relies on skills, speed and witts. Mercenaries travel lightly and are often used as skirmishers. Their symbol is the spear.
Scouts rely on speed, camouflage and ranged attacks. Although generally solitaire, they can be used as guides or to lead an army to warn them of danger. They often prefer to fight at range and disappear. Their symbol is the bow.
Thieves rely on stealth and surprise. When they strike, they strike hard. Thieves are used to find trouble before it becomes a problem, or to bypass barriers that warriors can not circumvent on their own. Their symbol is three throwing knives.
Invokers gain their power through a more powerful being. They are granted their spells by paying homage or tithing, but the beings are often mysterious and grant these powers as they best see fit.
Priests are Celestial invokers that serve as messengers to imprint the will of the Light. They are seen by most villagers as healers and spell breakers. Some see them as interfering know-it-alls. Their symbol is the sun, and their colour is white.
Clerics are Celestial invokers that serve as a warrior class to enforce the will of the Light. They can invoke the power of angels and healing. Their symbol is the shield, and their colour is white.
Warlocks are Celestial invokers that serve as messengers to imprint the will of the Darkness. Their symbol is a dagger pointed tip down, and their colour is grey.
Templars are Celestial invokers that serve as a warrior class to enforce the will of the Darkness. Their symbol is an open hand facing up, and their colour is grey.
Medicine Men are Terrestrial invokers that have been chosen by Primal Eidolons as vessels to weild their powers for the greater balance of nature. The aura surrounding the eidolons they command is yellow. Their symbol is the fang, and their colour is brown.
Druids are Terrestrial invokers that lure Primal Eidolons to a gathering place and focus them to act on their behalf. The aura surrounding the eidolons they command is yellow. Their symbol is the crescent moon, and their colour is brown.
Shamans are Terrestrial invokers that have sought out and bargained with an Eldritch Eidolon to gain the powers of the Shaman. Some do it for a noble cause, while others do it for vengeance or power. The path they walk is a very dangerous one. The aura surrounding the eidolons they command is purple. Their symbol is the talon, and their colour is purple.
Witches are Terrestrial invokers that have trapped some Eldritch Eidolons to force them to their bidding. The aura surrounding the eidolons they command is purple. Their symbol is the star, and their colour is purple.
Spell Casters wield magic like a warrior wields a sword. They draw upon the energies of the cosmos and bend those energies to their will, shaping them with their words and pin pointing them with complex gestures.
Sorcerers draw upon the dark magics of the Netherworld. Although Sorcerers draw upon all four dark magics of the Netherworld, they are not as powerful as their specialist counterparts in each field, whom also have a few abilities they also lack. Their symbol is the pyramid, and their colour is dark red.
Conjurers draw upon the dark magics of the Netherworld to control time and space. They command small armies in battle. Their symbol is the key, and their colour is orange.
Enchanters draw upon the dark magics of the Netherworld to bend the minds of their enemies to their will and empower items. Their symbol is the eye, and their colour is light blue.
Necromancers draw upon the dark magics of the Netherworld to control the dead and the eb of false life. Their symbol is a skull, and their colour is black.
Transmuters draw upon the dark magics of the Netherworld, they are able to amplify, reduce, convert and transform other energies or matter to their will. Their symbol is the prism, and their colour is ochre.
Wizards draw upon the elemental magics of Pandemonium. Although Wizards draw upon all four elements of Pandemonium, they are not as powerful as their specialist counterparts in their specific fields, whom also have a few abilities they lack. Their symbol is the circle with the cross, and their colour is indigo.
Also called Aeromancers or Stormcatchers they draw upon the elemental aerial magics of Pandemonium to control speed, movement and electricity. Their symbol is the lightning bolt, and their colour is pale yellow.
Also called Geomancers or Stonesingers they draw upon the elemental earth magics of Pandemonium to control defenses, resistances and sound waves. Their symbol is the leaf, and their colour is green.
Also called Pyromancers or Fire-eaters they draw upon the elemental fire magics of Pandemonium to control light, passion and fire. Their symbol is the flame, and their colour is red.
Also called Cryomancers or Waveriders they draw upon the elemental water magics of Pandemonium to control reflection, malibility and cold. Their symbol is the water droplet, and their colour is deep blue.
Villagers are a basic profile used for non-combatants. Although these classes double as titles, they are specific.
Merchants are bakers, blacksmiths, tailors, apothicaries, farmers, fisherman, minstrels, trapper, guide, scribes or clerks. These people generally have a useful skill or item that they can exchange for gold. Clerks being good at record keeping and math, scribes being able to read (as not all of the public can do), or minstrels being able to entertain.
The highest social caste of any society Nobles own land and even other people. These are beaurocrats, sherrifs, magistrates, elders, mayors and royalty. Their task is to ensure that their communities works as they should, assuming some form of government is in place.
The backbone of any society, these villagers act as watchmen, militia, guards and labourers (like miners or lumberjacks). Although free, they generally own very little.
Servants and slaves are not free men or women, although they can be turned in to gladiators to try to earn their freedom, they will likely just be treated as second rate citizens until they pass on to the next life.